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ESP32 Wi-Fi Penetration Tool

Webserver component

This component provides an UI for user to interact with the tool itself.

It is build on top of esp_http_server component that is described on official ESP-IDF reference page.

HTML sites are stored in RAM and are defined as a constant char array in pages/. Currently only one page is provided and it’s updated dynamically usign AJAX calls from JavaScript client. Currently the Webserver is started by calling webserver_run() which registers all available endpoints and runs until ESP32 shuts down.


This webserver implements few enpoints that are used by JavaScript client.

JavaScript client

Endpoints are called using AJAX calls from JavaScript provided on index.html page. It also parser reponses from webserver from binary to human readble form. It should do all additional computations that doesn’t neccesarry have to happen on ESP32 to minimize its power consumption.


To make development of web client a bit easier, there is a script utils/ available that converts standard HTML file into header file and formats it to make it compilable.


Doxygen API reference available

Note: header files in pages/ are generated by script from utils/ folder, hence they don’t contain docstring.